berlin music video awards tenq intercontinental guests

With this week’s TENQ, we want to thank our incredible past nominees who have come from around the world in order to attend the Berlin Music Video Awards! Since 2013, BMVA has had the honour to provide intercontinental artists with the opportunity to share their work with the world.

TENQ started last month to thank everyone in our network that has helped the BMVA become what it is today. So, let’s dive right into it!

Han Han – World Gong Crazy

To begin with, Han Han’s ‘World Gong Crazy”s mesmerising geometric patterns and moody colour palette make for an enchanting viewing experience. Director Romeo Candido’s vision, particularly in the dancers’ choreography, distinctly compliments the booming percussion of the track, creating a perfectly assembled audiovisual experience that transcends language. This Canadian project was nominated for the 2017 edition of the BMVAs. The insanely talented band behind the song came all the way to Berlin to attend in person.

Han Han – World Gong Crazy via Dailymotion

Trending Topics feat. Wiso G – ElintelnĂ©

In 2019, Puerto Rican director Kacho Lopez Mari surely made an unforgettable nomination in our Best Concept category. ‘ElintelnĂ©”s speedy, technicolour crazed aesthetics carry a deeper meaning than manic comedy. The protagonist’s increasingly zombie-like state and his comically enlarging smartphone crafts a concise but effective criticism of the monotony of day-to-day life. Not to mention our increasing dependence on our smartphones to provide superficial fulfilment. We were delighted to offer Kacho Lopez Mari a warm welcome to our 2019 edition.

Trending Topics feat. Wiso G – ElintelnĂ© via Dailymotion

Illya Kuryaki & The Valderramas – Gallo Negro

Hailing from Argentina, ‘Gallo Negro’ dives headfirst into a gritty underbelly of crime and poverty. Regardless, only to turn it upside down (literally) proving that joy, self-expression can flourish in the most unexpected places. The human body in dance becomes the focus over the course of a meandering passage of imagination. The BMVAs were very proud to nominate ‘Gallo Negro’ for our Most Trashy category back in 2016. The directors Hernan Corera & Wacho also made an appearance at our event.

Illya Kuryaki & The Valderramas – Gallo Negro via Youtube

The Drums – There is Nothing Left

A typical love story narrative surely wouldn’t work for a heartbreak anthem like ‘There is Nothing Left’. The Drums’ disenchantment from romance manifests itself as a Sasquatch-like beast which at first seems menacing but really has a softer side. Back in 2016, this hilarious piece from the USA was nominated for Best Concept. David Gantz travelled to Berlin to attend our third ever ceremony.

The Drums – There is Nothing Left via Dailymotion

Savage – Like Michael Jackson

Icons never die. Especially not the King of Pop’s glitzy white glove. James Chappell brings it to life in this dance-packed homage to one of the best performers showbiz ever had. Without a doubt, ‘Like Michael Jackson’ is bound to get the party started! This entry was nominated for Best Narrative in 2016. As a matter of fact, the talented director behind the video James Chapell made the long journey from Australia to Berlin.

Savage – Like Michael Jackson via Dailymotion

Xenia França- Pra Que Me Chamas?

Next up, we have a piece coming from an incredible Brazillian team. ‘Pra Que Me Chamas?’ brings an intoxicating world of colour to the forefront. Here, Xenia França stands out as a true star, while the video’s cinematography easily captivates the viewer. The music video was rightfully nominated for Best Cinematography. Xenia França, together with director Frederico Ouro Preto represented their cast and crew at our ceremony.

Xenia Franca – Pra Que Me Chamas via Dailymotion

Hubert Lenoir – A Request To Kanye West

Young Quebecian artist Hubert Lenoir’s open letter to the infamous Ye recounts the passage to fame. The good, the bad, and the ugly – laced with humour and backed by trembling piano notes. Almost an aural elevator pitch, Lenoir challenges one of the most famous men on the planet to pay him notice and also to connect with his own artistic process. This Best Low Budget nomination was represented by co-directors NoĂ©mie D. Leclerc and Gabriel Lapointe.

Hubert Lenoir – A Request To Kanye West via Dailymotion

The Wanton Bishops – Hitman

In case you’re a lover of 60’s spy films, ‘Hitman’ is a must-watch! Our 2017 Best Low Budget winner packs a serious punch with a fantastical summer glow, coupled with an action-packed plot that constantly thickens. The Lebanese team behind this narrative powerhouse is definitely one to watch! Both the band and director AndrĂ© Chammas came to Berlin to bring home their award.

The Wanton Bishops – Hitman via Dailymotion

Jah Khalib – Medina

‘Medina’ casts the viewer back in time and winds them through freezing cold landscapes on an epic tale of love, war, and the strength of the human spirit. Kazakhstani director Aisultan Seitov’s vision is perfectly balanced between beauty-focused cinematography and thrilling battle sequences. Seitov joined us for our 2018 edition, where ‘Medina’ was surely suitably nominated for Best Cinematography.

Jah Khalib – Medina via Dailymotion

Tasha the Amazon – Watch It Burn

Last but not least, Canadian performer Tasha The Amazon has a simple message, but she’s pulled out all the stops to make it clear. ‘Watch it Burn’ launches off with flamethrowers, fireworks, and a raw head-banging attitude indeed. Colourful and dynamic visuals make this theme of defiance and destruction certainly engaging for the viewer. All in all, ‘Watch it Burn’ makes for a serious feel-good watch. Director and editor Colin G. Cooper attended our 2017 edition, where the music video received a nomination for Best Editor.

Tasha the Amazon – Watch It Burn via Dailymotion

Without a doubt, the intercontinental artists that submit to the BMVA truly shape the character of our cozy festival. We have been so immensely proud to offer a warm welcome to people from both near and afar, embracing all different nationalities and cultures.

Before you head off, here’s a little reminder! Our late deadline for submissions is coming up soon; the 15th of March 2021. As you can see from our selection, we accept art from all over the world. Don’t miss your chance to be a part of it, submit here before the deadline!

Author: Eva Earner | Editor: Petra Molnárová