berlinmva music video of the week uni predators ball

We’ve switched things up a bit and moved our beloved segment Music Video of the Week on Mondays for a while. This time, it was up to you to decide between two quite dark-themed videos. Seems like the mysterious mansion owner convinced you and the MVOTW goes to Uni – Predator’s Ball!

It’s time to choose your plus one and put on your best eccentric outfit! This one goes beyond your typical Halloween-ish costume thingy. The freakishly glamorous music video follows a cheerleader escaping a very unsatisfying makeout session, making her way to the gothic party house. The director Charlotte Kemp Muhl did a great job capturing the initial feeling of terror of the unknown, meeting the landlord face-to-face and climaxing into our heroine liking the party a bit too much.

UNI – Predator’s Ball via Youtube

Does the Rothschild Surrealist Ball from the 70s ring a bell? Predator’s Ball hints at more horror films/freak shows. Who finds them all gets a pat on the back from the dark lord.


American trio Uni has been shaking up the music scene with their alt-rock glam since 2017. They are also known as: Kemp – the brain, Jack James – the heart and David Strange – the balls of the band! On their Youtube channel, you’ll find the latest captivating music videos such as ‘Hold My Gun’, ‘DNA’, ‘Debris’, or ‘Predator’s Ball’. It’s definitely worth checking out their stuff!

Music Video of the Week is a segment separated from the official nominations. It gives us an opportunity to highlight new music videos submitted to us, even before we know all of the 130 nominees. Take a note that the call for submissions 2021 is still open until March 15. No more hesitating, submit your music videos now!