bmva music video of the week jolin tsai sweet guilty pleasure

This Friday is all about confessing our ‘Sweet Guilty Pleasure’ and Jolin Tsai is here to tell us a little story. A very interesting one, indeed.

Our fresh Music Video of the Week is coming all the way from Taiwan! Single released under the label Sony Music Taiwan got a truly eye-catching music video. It follows a legend about a girl, who forms a special bond with a dolphin. DoP Kedy Yu made sure that we’d be glued to the screen thanks to the breathtaking visuals! VFX by Renovatio Pictures, directed by Outerspace Leo.

You can look forward to a vivid cinematic experience, neat dance breaks, retro aesthetic and forbidden love story. For real, deep waters have some dirty secrets!

Jolin Tsai – Sweet Guilty Pleasure via Youtube

Kedy Yu

Talented DoP and cinematographer Kedy Yu comes from Taipei, Taiwan. Besides music videos, he has worked on advertisements, films and also done animation! You can spot his signature mesmerizing visuals in Nike, MAC, 7-Eleven or Samsung Galaxy S9 ads. As far as music videos are concerned, his name is connected to artists like Kenji Wu, Jane Zhang, or MAYDAY. Go check out his portfolio, there’s a lot of incredible stuff to see!

Sony Music Taiwan

Record label Sony Music Taiwan has signed names such as Jolin Tsai, J. Sheon, Zheng Yinsheng, Wei Lian or Pink Fun.

You can check out behind the scenes of ‘Sweet Guilty Pleasure’ right here.

Music Video of the Week is a segment where we have the opportunity to highlight new music videos submitted to us. Even before the official nominations take place! We still have one more deadline left – better not miss this one and submit your works before March 15!