anthea spam berlin music video awards 1

Friday equals Music Video of the Week and it seems like pink-haired beauty stole our online audience’s hearts. So without further ado, everybody give it up for Anthea – S.P.A.M!

Enter an ethereal world with our lovely Friday champion, who is serving us e-girl vibes! Directed and edited by Sabrina Norte, the video features an airy performance by the singer and her alter-ego. It makes the viewer envy their friendship and their girl crew indeed. The beat is perfect for those who miss putting on their techno outfits for the club, as the video showcases awesome fashion styled by Linda Paula Keider.

Congratulations to the team of this FLOORISLAVA production! Cinematographer: Matthias Groß, 1st Assistant Director: Matthew Gerges, 1st Assistant Camera/Drone Operator: Stefan Pausa. Set Design: Kathrin Figerl, Make-up & Hair: Cameron Lee Felton, Choreography: Franciska Grill, Color: Bernhard Schlick , Production Coordination: Daniela Schönauer.

Anthea – S.P.A.M via Youtube


Vienna based artist who is certainly not afraid to experiment and show her unique style through her music. That’s how we would describe Anthea in one sentence! Click here to get a taste of incredible hyperpop sound and check out her Youtube channel to have a truly visual experience. What’s more, she is releasing her debut EP XEA this summer, don’t miss it!

Sabrina Norte

Sabrina Norte is a talented director and editor from Vienna, Austria. Besides directing various projects, at times, she dives into motion design and animation as well! Her work includes campaigns such as Adidas Runtastic, fashion film TRISTE, or project ASICS. Sabrina is also the woman behind Anthea’s ‘S.P.A.M’ music video!

MVOTW is a segment separated from the official nominations. It is a way to highlight music videos that we have received for this year’s edition. Check our IG stories next Thursday to choose between two new videos and make your favorite win! See you here next Friday!

Authors: Mélissa Fondeur, Petra Molnárová