Friday, June 14th
Screening Schedule:
Room 1 (Main Stage):
16:30 Doors open
17:30 Screenings and awards for Best Song
18:30 Screenings and awards for Best Director
19:30 Break
20:00 Screenings and awards for Best Concept
21:00 Screenings and awards for Best Best Narrative
21:30 Break
22:00 Best Production Company / Best Music Video
00:00 End of DAY 3
Room 2 (BOX2):
17:30 Stage talk: Budget Hacks, Financial Creativity, Directors and Prducers sharing tips and stories.
19:00 The Silver Screenings – Part 1
19:30 Networking activity: The Elevator Pitch – speed introduction – B2B – Sign Up!
20:00 The Silver Screenings – Part 2
Dress Code Theme: fashionable, creative elegant
Age limit: 18+